How are the source for default (predefined) values determined when a pay default is selected?
Default values are determined on the Setup > Payroll Details > Pay Defaults screen as follows:
- If a numeric box such as Hours, Pieces, Rate, etc. requires an entry, then the box is considered a default if the value is not equal to zero.
- If a text box such as Name iGlobals not equal to spaces or null, it is a default.
- If a check box is selected, it is a default.
- If a lookup box such as Project, Department, or Earning has a selection made, it is a default.
- If a drop-down list box such as Tax State or SUTA State has a selection made other than None, it is a default.
In the example below, defaults are defined for the following boxes:
- Earning
- Rate
- Project
- Expense Account (and Percent)
- Profit Center
Note: Default values are determined the same when specified at the Setup > Payroll Details > Employee > Earnings tab level.